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Statement: Senator Bacik to speak at Launch of Irish Feminist Network

30 September 2010

Labour Senator for Dublin University Panel

30th September 2010


Senator Ivana Bacik will speak tonight Thursday 30th September at the official launch of the Irish Feminist Network at 7 p.m. at the Teachers Club in Parnell Square, Dublin. She will be speaking along with Susan McKay, Director of the National Women's Council and Anthea McTiernan, Editor of the Irish Times Ticket Magazine.

The Irish Feminist Network is an organisation focused on promoting gender equality throughout all aspects of Irish society, organised nationally, and with a particular focus on the serious lack of women in the Irish media and within the Irish political system.

Speaking at the launch, Senator Bacik will say:

“I very much welcome the establishment of the Irish Feminist Network. It is critical to have an organisation focused on promoting gender equality. For some time now I have been working to improve the numbers of women active within politics. As author of the Report on Women's Participation in Politics published last November by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights, I can say that a package of measures is necessary to address the five key challenges that women face on attempting to enter politics: Lack of childcare; lack of cash; lack of confidence; a culture that does not accept women politicians easily; and candidate selection procedures that are often murky and that tend to favour men.

“In particular, we need legislation to require gender balance in the selection of election candidates; and we also need to take steps to change our political culture to make it more woman-friendly. I know that the Irish Feminist Network will be an important catalyst for bringing about the necessary changes, and I wish them very well in their work.”