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Statement: Senator Bacik speaks in support of Oireachtas Inquiries Referendum at Political Studies Conference

21 October 2011


Senator Ivana Bacik, Labour Senator for Dublin University,
Friday 21st October 2011

Speaking this afternoon (5pm) at the Political Studies Association of Ireland conference in the Royal Irish Academy, Senator Ivana Bacik will express her support for the Oireachtas Inquiries Referendum (the 30th Amendment of the Constitution).

Speaking about the referendum, Senator Bacik will say:

“I believe that the amendment, if passed, will greatly enhance the investigative powers of the Oireachtas and will provide a stronger mechanism for holding the Government to account. Oireachtas committees have effectively been neutered by the Supreme Court 'Abbeylara' judgment – this amendment would help to ensure the appropriate balance of powers between legislature and executive necessary for a functioning democracy.

“The amendment provides that any inquiry undertaken by the Oireachtas must be into a matter “stated by the House or Houses concerned to be of general public importance”. The draft heads of the enabling legislation, already published, provide a framework within which the Houses of the Oireachtas can develop rules for conducting inquiries. But it is clear that the Courts can still review the way in which the Oireachtas strikes the balance between the rights of persons and the public interest - the amendment does not rule out recourse to the courts.

Parliamentary Committees can be highly effective at conducting inquiries where forensic questioning is carried out by a small number of well-informed Deputies and Senators investigating the actions or decisions of individuals organisations. However the capacity of our Committees to investigate and to conduct fact-finding inquiries has been seriously curtailed by the Abbeylara judgment. This referendum would seek to remove some of the restrictions currently operating; and would help the Oireachtas to hold the Executive to account.”