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Statement regarding Portobello Harbour

14 May 2021


Speaking today in response to the Dublin City Council announcement that Portobello plaza/harbour will be closed this weekend following extensive anti-social behaviour, local Labour Councillor Kevin Donoghue and Labour Senator Ivana Bacik have called for a more sustainable long-term plan for the Harbour to be adopted by the Council.

Senator Bacik said:

“As a local resident myself, I am very aware of the distress caused to our community in Portobello by the incidence of anti-social behaviour, large congregations of people and public urination along the canal and in the plaza area in recent weeks. However, while it is welcome that the concerns of local residents about this unacceptable behaviour are now being taken seriously by the Council, closing off a public amenity in this way is not a sustainable strategy for addressing this serious issue. What we need is a long-term plan for the area which will ensure safe access by the public to civic spaces like the harbour. This must include adequate provision of dustbins, public toilets and seating areas, along with close monitoring of the space and effective policing of the area."

Councillor Donoghue said:

“Installing a temporary park that serves as an attractive local amenity is a better long-term solution for what is happening in Portobello Harbour. The experience of residents has been unbelievably difficult these last few months and something must be done about that. We cannot reasonably expect people to continue putting up with it. However, I do not agree with closing the space off altogether. A well-managed park coupled with adequate support from the Gardai provides us with an opportunity to create something we can all enjoy rather than taking something away. We do not need to do this.”