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Statement: Debate on Symphysiotomy in Seanad Today

16 May 2012


Wednesday 16th May 2012


The debate arranged by the Labour group of Senators on symphysiotomy will take place in the Seanad today Wednesday 16th May from 15.30-17.00.

This debate will be led for the Labour Senators group by Senator Mary Moran. Other Labour speakers will include Senators Marie Moloney, Aideen Hayden and Ivana Bacik. The debate will be attended by members of the Survivors of Symphysiotomy group and others. Minister Kathleen Lynch will be present for the debate in the Seanad chamber.

The debate will build upon and develop the issues raised during the earlier Dail debate on the same topic. Particular issues raised during the debate will include a discussion of the most effective means to facilitate survivors' access to justice.

Speaking in advance of the debate, Senator Bacik said:

“The barbaric practice of symphysiotomy was carried out for far too long in our maternity hospitals. Many women continue to live with the legacy of this procedure and have suffered long-term health consequences. In seeking to take legal action to hold those responsible to account, survivors have faced serious legal and procedural obstacles. It is time that we addressed these, in particular through amending the Statute of Limitations. This will be one of the issues that we will address in this important debate today.”