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Statement by Senator Bacik on Low Rape Conviction Rates

07 December 2009


Labour Party Seanad Spokesperson on Justice

Monday, 07 December 2009


The appallingly low conviction rate for rape cases in Ireland, as pointed out in the report published today by the Rape Crisis Network of Ireland, is a clear indication rape victims are being failed by the system.

According to today's report, just seven per cent of reported cases result in a conviction, but we already know that as few as 20 per cent of cases are actually brought to the attention of an Garda Siochana, so the picture is even worse than it appears.

The report suggest that the quality of social and official support made available to victims is a significant determining factor in whether a case progresses, and I would fully concur with that.

The story of victims being given the impression by officialdom that they are not believed, or that the attack they have suffered, somehow does not warrant a detailed investigation, are all to familiar. So too are stories of victims feeling that it is THEY who are on trial, and not the assailant. In this kind of environment, it is hardly surprising that the women themselves are reluctant to enter into a legal process that could drag on over a long period and where the chances of them securing a conviction appear to be remote.

This needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency, if the integrity of our legal system is to have any meaning.

Labour believes that women must have access to frontline services dedicated to the support of victims of rape and sexual assault; that we need sexual assault treatment services provided on a national basis; and that there should be significant improvements in Garda training for dealing with these cases.

We also believe that complainants should be entitled to free, full separate legal advice assistance and representation in any proceedings.