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Statement: Bacik Condemns Comments which Indicate A Culture of Sexism in Oireachtas

13 July 2011

Labour Party Seanad Leader
Wed 13th July 2011


Speaking today in the Seanad, SenatorIvana Bacik condemned reports of sexist comments in the Dáil chamber, andcalled for the urgent introduction of legislation to increase the levelsof women's representation in politics.

Senator Bacik said:

“I was very concerned to hearreports that comments had been made yesterday in the Dáil chamber whichindicate that a culture of sexism still exists in the Oireachtas. The viewthat such a culture exists is one of the reasons why women remain so under-representedin political life. The report that I authored for the Joint OireachtasCommittee on Justice in 2009 found that ‘culture' is one of the ‘fiveC's' – the obstacles that face women on entry to politics. The otherfour are lack of childcare, cash, and confidence; and difficulties withpolitical party candidate selection procedures. However, the sexist culturethat persists is the hardest obstacle to address.”

Senator Bacik also welcomed MinisterPhil Hogan's recent announcement that he would introduce legislation requiringpolitical parties to select minimum percentages of candidates of each gender,saying:

“I welcome the announcement ofthis important legislation. Urgent action through statute is required toaddress the practical issue of candidate selection procedures, in orderto increase the numbers of women candidates and increase the choice availableto voters.”

*In November 2009, Senator Baciklaunched the Report of the Sub-Committee on Women's Participation in Politicsestablished by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defenceand Women's Rights. This Report received cross-Party support from allthose on the Justice Committee. A key recommendation in the Report wasthe need for legislation to require political parties to select a minimumproportion of women candidates to put before the electorate at local, nationaland European elections. Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan has recentlyannounced the introduction of this legislation.