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Senator Bacik welcomes the establishment of expert group on the ABC case

18 January 2012

Order of Business

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Senator Ivana Bacik: I join Senator O'Brien in conveying the sympathies of the Labour Party Members to the family of the former editor of the Sunday Independent, Aengus Fanning, and to the families of the fishermen lost in the tragedy at sea off west Cork. We all commend the bravery of the search and rescue teams and the immense solidarity and bravery of the local communities in Union Hall.

I take this opportunity to commend the Oireachtas library and research service on its excellent briefing on trends in the economy. It managed to make the statistics and figures understandable and accessible. It is important that it should provide such a service to us, particularly in light of the ongoing crisis at European level. I note the reports today on the attempts at European level to avert default by Greece. It is of immense concern to us all that such a default be prevented.

I welcome the establishment by the Government last week of the expert group on the ABC case, in which the European Court of Human Rights found against Ireland in December 2010 in respect of our abortion law. It is very welcome that this Government is finally grasping a nettle which previous Governments failed to grasp. The expert group will examine how to implement the judgment and avoid future litigation against Ireland on this subject. The group, which is made up of eminent individuals from a range of disciplines, will report within six months. I ask the Leader to allow for a debate on that report following its publication.

Will the Leader arrange for a debate on waste strategy in light of the huge concerns of Dublin residents regarding the takeover of the city's waste disposal service by a private contractor, Greyhound? There has been immense confusion, a lack of notice to residents and the wishes of councillors has been overridden, as city managers are legally entitled to do. The process has not been well managed and there is great concern about the need for upfront payments to Greyhound and for people to maintain money in an account before their refuse will be collected. This could lead to a serious crisis for litter collection in the city.