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Senator Bacik calls for Vote of No Confidence in Government

08 December 2010


At 5pm today in the Seanad, Senator Ivana Bacik will speak on behalf of the Labour Party on a Private Members' Motion from Independent Senators stating that the Seanad has no confidence in the Government.

Calling on Senators to support the motion, Senator Bacik will say:

“There is really no need for this motion, because it is now very clear that this Government has already lost the support of the vast majority of people in Ireland. We are likely to see a significant shift in the political landscape in the next election, as a direct result of the deep anger at the failed economic policies of Fianna Fail and in particular at the brutal Budget measures they have introduced in a budget that will hit the poor and those on social welfare most severely.

Through creating a boom built on a bubble of tax breaks for property speculation, Fianna Fail generated a culture of reckless lending that has brought us to the shameful state of having called in the IMF. We are now reliant on the kindness of strangers – and it's thanks to Fianna Fail and this current appalling Government. This vote of no confidence should pass and this Government should leave office without delay. They are long past their sell-by date.”