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Senator Bacik calls for Information on Government's Four Year Plan, and also Calls for Debate on Elections in Burma

09 November 2010

Order of Business

Senator Ivana Bacik: How can the Opposition possibly agree when it does not have the information it needs to decide whether it can agree? I am concerned that Irish borrowing costs are at a record high on international markets. It is urgent, therefore, that we know what are the terms of the four-year plan, yet the Government has decided to delay publishing it until after the by-election in County Donegal. This does not seem to be a way to achieve political consensus, as Commissioner Rehn stated. It does not seem to be the case that we are being given the information we need in a timely fashion in order that we can consider it and discuss it with the Government. The Government needs to actively promote consensus, not to take political potshots at the Opposition.

Will the Leader arrange a debate on the elections in Burma? Since the sham elections took place at the weekend, we have seen worrying reports of thousands of refugees fleeing into Thailand. The likely outcome of the election is that the military regime will continue to be propped up. Aung San Suu Kyi and other Opposition leaders remain under arrest and in detention. We need to have a debate on the very serious political situation that is unravelling in Burma.