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Seanad procedure Changed to Accomodate Silent Reflection Alongside Prayer

23 February 2012


Senator Ivana Bacik, Labour Senator for Dublin University,
Thursday 23rd February 2012

Senator Ivana Bacik today welcomed the Seanad vote in favour of a motion from the Seanad Committee on Procedures and Privileges that a short period of silent reflection would take place at the commencement of sitting every day in the Seanad just before the prayer.

Senator Bacik said:

“I am delighted that this change has been made to the commencement of business in the Seanad. Thanks to an initiative I took in questioning the continued practice of having a Christian prayer alone at the start of business every day, we have now had the first debate on the prayer in the Seanad since 1923; and we have achieved real change. We now have a brief period of silent reflection to take place every day just before the prayer. This change provides a way for us to acknowledge the presence in the chamber and outside of those who are not of minority religions or who do not profess to be members of any religion.”

Senator Bacik also said:

“Although I believe that it would be better in a Republic to replace the prayer altogether and just commence proceedings with a brief period of silent reflection, and I will continue to argue for this more significant change, I still welcome the compromise reached today with this motion as an important step forward in creating a more tolerant and inclusive society in which we have genuine separation of church and state.”