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Renters remain bottom of the pile of Government priorities

11 July 2023

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has expressed concern about new delays in introduction of rights for renters.

Deputy Bacik said:

“Reports this morning suggest that the range of hastily compiled measures for renters announced when the eviction ban was lifted will now not be implemented until the autumn – this is a very serious delay.

“It seems now that more than six months will have elapsed between the lifting of the eviction ban and the introduction of measures like a first refusal scheme for renters when their landlord is selling up.

“Indeed, it is deeply concerning to hear that a right to an independent valuation of a property may be abandoned entirely. Without independent, transparent valuations, the first refusal scheme will be doomed to fail. Renters must be assured that any first refusal scheme will be fair.

“I have put down a series of Parliamentary Questions following the announcement of the first refusal scheme, but no clear answers have been forthcoming. In press conferences, Minister O’Brien had promised previously that this scheme would be in place before the summer recess. As the final sitting days of the Oireachtas approach us, he has utterly failed in this commitment.

“It is long past time for a comprehensive response from Government to the growing number of people squeezed in the current rental market. There is not a day that goes by without people contacting my office looking for help and conveying to me the turmoil and distress which is caused to them by the housing disaster, by high rents, and insecurity of tenure. We need urgent action on protections for renters.”