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Press Release: Senator Bacik Launches Report Seeking Legislative Change on Hate Crime

01 September 2014

Labour Seanad leader, spokesperson on Justice

Senator Ivana Bacik will tomorrow Tuesday 2nd September be launching a report by University of Limerick academics on hate crime at 10am in Buswells Hotel, Dublin.

Speaking to launch the report, Senator Bacik will say:

“I wish to commend the authors of this important report, University of Limerick academics Jennifer Schweppe (School of Law), Dr Amanda Haynes and Dr James Carr (Department of Sociology).  The report, entitled A Life Free From Fear’   Legislating for Hate Crime in Ireland: An NGO Perspective’, presents the experiences and perspectives of NGOs who deal on a regular basis with the challenge of hate crime, that is crime motivated by hostility or prejudice towards a person because of some defining characteristic such as ethnicity. The report also provides an analysis of the efficacy of Irish legislation in combating hate crime, concluding with recommendations for necessary legislative change. “

“The Life Free from Fear Report shows that hate crime is a very real phenomenon in Ireland today, and one which affects many different communities. People are targeted because of their sexual orientation, gender, including gender identity, race, religion, disability, age, ethnicity, including membership of the Traveller Community and sometimes for a combination of these personal characteristics. The report shows that the current legal regime is incapable of addressing hate crime, and that legislative change is required. Crucially, the report also presents useful proposals for the appropriate legislative model, and this is particularly welcome.”