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Press Release: Senator Bacik launches 'No Hate Speech' Movement in Ireland

24 September 2014


Labour Seanad leader, Spokesperson on Justice

Senator Ivana Bacik will this morning launch the ‘No Hate Speech’ movement in Ireland, at an event organised by the National Youth Council in European Union Parliament House in Dublin.

 In formally launching the movement, Senator Bacik will say:

 “I am delighted that the National Youth Council of Ireland is co-ordinating the ‘No Hate Speech’ movement in Ireland. This is a Council of Europe initiative to encourage young people to challenge online hate speech; to challenge racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of intolerance.”

“The recently published University of Limerick Life Free from Fear Report shows that hate crime is a very real phenomenon in Ireland today, and one which affects many different communities. Many people are targeted because of their sexual orientation, gender, including gender identity, race, religion, disability, age, ethnicity, including membership of the Traveller Community and sometimes for a combination of these personal characteristics. We know that the current legal regime is incapable of addressing hate crime, and that legislative change is required. We also know that hate speech needs to be tackled in a variety of different ways, and so I strongly commend the National Youth Council of Ireland for launching the No Hate Speech Movement in Ireland today."