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#PaternityLeave Order of Business, Seanad Éireann - Raised Matters

26 January 2016

Order of Business, Seanad Éireann - Raised Matters

 Senator Ivana Bacik: I welcome the introduction of paternity leave, which was announced today.  The Cabinet has announced that it has given the green light for the introduction of two weeks paid paternity leave to take effect from September 2016. This is a welcome first step in the recognition of fathers' rights in the workplace. The Tánaiste gave a commitment on it this time last year and it will come into effect later in the year. It may not be possible between now and the general election but when time permits, will the Leader arrange for a broader debate not only on paternity leave and provision for fathers in the workplace but also on child care costs and the best models for child care, including the most cost effective and high quality models? We, in the Labour Party, have given a commitment to extend paid paternity leave rights by three months over five years and to take measures to tackle the cost of child care. It is a very pressing issue for many people. - Link to Irish Times piece on the matter.