Bills & Legislation
Rights of the Child
Senator Ivana Bacik: On this auspicious day for children's rights Senator Fitzgerald referred to the issue. On a related matter I ask that the Minister for Health and Children attend the House for a debate on the fact that the Government …
Public Transport
Senator Ivana Bacik: I ask for a debate on public transport and alternatives to the use of private cars. This is timely on a day when thousands of commuters are stranded without bus services. I am sure we all hope the matter will be …
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Senator Ivana Bacik: Will the Deputy Leader convene a debate on Irish Aid and development programmes, specifically on the need to mainstream disability rights in development programmes? I have just come from a seminar on disability and …
Cockle Fishing
Senator Ivana Bacik: I propose an amendment to the Order of Business to enable the House to debate Private Members' motion No. 30 on the Order Paper. The motion, which is proposed by me and seconded by my colleague, Senator Norris, is to …
National Monuments
Senator Ivana Bacik: We all saw the announcement in today's newspapers that the European Commission will take legal action against the State over the failure to protect adequately sites of national heritage. This is in the context of the …
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