Bills & Legislation
Cynicism in Politics
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: I support the calls on this side for a debate on education. I ask the Leader to guarantee that there will be a debate on education next week, given the levels of concern. We had a debate on a specific …
Senator Bacik speaking on Stem Cell Research at UCC
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: I welcome the distinguished members of the Ugandan judiciary who are guests of my colleague, Professor William Binchy from Trinity College Law School. I would welcome a debate on embryonic stem cell …
Senator Bacik speaking on "Brian’s Botched Budget".
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: In years to come this will be know as Brian's botched budget. It is the first time ever that anyone can remember a budget that was open to negotiation after it was announced in the House. The people …
Budget 2008
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: It is interesting to hear Members on the other side being so critical of the budget. It confirms Senator Fitzgerald's comments on the reigning confusion. The more that Government spokespersons …
Budget 2008 Speech
Click on the link below to read Ivana's full response to the budget:
The Bank Guarantee
Click on the following link to see Ivana's speech on the bank guarantee:
Showing 1021 - 1026 of 1068