Bills & Legislation
Statement: Senator Bacik to speak at Launch of Irish Feminist Network
Labour Senator for Dublin University Panel 30th September 2010 SENATOR BACIK TO SPEAK AT LAUNCH OF IRISH FEMINIST NETWORK Senator Ivana Bacik will speak tonight Thursday 30th September at the official launch of the Irish Feminist Network …
Press Release: Senator Bacik calls for Gender Quota Legislation
SENATOR BACIK CALLS FOR GENDER QUOTA LEGISLATION Labour Party Seanad Spokesperson on Justice, Equality and Law Reform 17th September, 2010 Speaking at a conference on women's political representation hosted by University College Cork on …
Press Notice: Portobello Educate Together Start-Up Group Family Fun Day
PORTOBELLO EDUCATE TOGETHER SCHOOL START-UP GROUP PRESS NOTICE Family Fun Day and Teddy Bears' Picnic 2-4pm Sunday 12th September 2010 Harold's Cross Park, Dublin 6W (Photo Opportunity at 3pm) On Sunday 12th September …
Statement: Senator Bacik to Speak at Launch of The Integration Centre
STATEMENT BY SENATOR IVANA BACIK Labour Seanad Spokesperson for Justice, Equality & Law Reform Tuesday 13th July 2010 SENATOR BACIK TO SPEAK AT LAUNCH OF THE INTEGRATION CENTRE At the launch today of The Integration Centre at 1pm in …
Statement: Bacik Welcomes Civil Partnership Bill As 'Stepping Stone'
STATEMENT BY SENATOR IVANA BACIK Labour Seanad Spokesperson for Justice, Equality and Law Reform Wednesday 7th July 2010 BACIK WELCOMES CIVIL PARTNERSHIP BILL AS ‘STEPPING STONE' 7th July 2010 Speaking for the Labour Party today in …
Statement: Bacik calls for Change to Irish Rails Policy on Bicycles
BACIK CALLS FOR CHANGE TO IRISH RAIL POLICY ON BICYCLES Statement from Senator Ivana Bacik Labour Party Seanad Spokesperson on Justice, Equality and Law Reform Tuesday 6 July 2010 Speaking on the Seanad order of business Senator Ivana …
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