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Labour Leader Urges Radical Stance from Government at COP27

07 November 2022

Tackling climate change is an act of intergenerational and global solidarity says Labour Leader. Time is running out and the CoP process cannot be allowed fail.

Commenting on the commencement of COP27, Labour Party Leader Ivana Bacik has today called on Taoiseach Michael Martin and the Irish Government to show both generosity and leadership in COP27 negotiations commencing this week.

Deputy Bacik said:

“Two recent reports have revealed once more the scale of climate change taking place both globally and in Europe. The time to tackle this problem is running out. Ireland is in a position both financially, in terms of support for countries already impacted by climate change and also politically to show real leadership. The consequences of failing to do so are becoming all the more clear. 

"The failure of the COP process to deliver outcomes as opposed to commitments is generating cynicism amongst many. Greta Thunberg’s criticisms are understandable. But the COP process is the only multilateral forum we have, so it is incumbent on us to deliver on commitments made here. 

"Last year’s COP in Glasgow concluded with commitments that Governments would advance their positions over the last 12 months and that further progress would be made in Egypt. We must tackle people’s concerns head on now and show a resolve commensurate with the challenge. 

"There is frustration that public pronouncements and negotiating positions of many northern countries are out of sync. I am calling on the Taoiseach to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Ireland can do more.

"I expect the Taoiseach to play a positive role in unlocking the global financing issues identified by NGOs like Trocaire here. I expect new financial commitments from Ireland. As the recent fiscal returns indicate, we can well afford to do so.

"We also need to show leadership on signing up to and advocating for the adoption of a global Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, as sought by activists and environmental groups worldwide.

"Here in Ireland, we also need to see more urgent action from Government, with the need to take a whole of Government approach, and to ramp up the delivery of measures necessary to meet our crucial climate emissions reductions targets."