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Government must get back on track – missed climate targets concerning

28 July 2022

Reacting to reports that the Government did not implement more than half of measures in the Climate Action Plan during the second quarter of 2022, Labour Leader and Spokesperson for Climate Ivana Bacik TD has warned of the urgent need to recalibrate the national response to the climate emergency.

Deputy Bacik said:

"I read today with concern reports that the Government implemented just 45% of the 162 measures scheduled for April, May and June. The publication of the Climate Action Plan was delayed last year. It was disappointing that the publication of the Climate Action Plan was not aligned with the fiscal budget, as had been previously promised.

"Now, we are seeing further delays to the agreement of sectoral emissions ceilings for agriculture – although I am encouraged by reports that an agreement is imminent. Unfortunately, delays and missed targets characterise this Government’s approach to climate action. We have seen significant slippage throughout the lifetime of this Government. I have raised this matter with the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications repeatedly but I am afraid that the situation appears to be worsening.

"It is of vital importance that the Government recalibrates its approach so that Ireland is better-placed to lose its reputation as a “climate laggard”. We are well into the key decade in which we have to reduce our emissions by half.

"The Environmental Protection Agency last week reported that Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions rose by almost 5% in 2021. At this rate, we are gravely reducing the chance of meeting our climate targets. We have known since last November when the target ranges were published that every sector would have to play a fair share in cutting emissions in order to achieve the overall 51% reduction enshrined in our climate legislation.

"I urge Ministers from all Government Departments to make a statement on how they intend to catch up on targets missed. This is simply too important for any further slippage. We must get back on track."