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Government climate action plan provides welcome ambition but needs urgent timeline for implementation

04 November 2021

Labour climate spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD has welcomed the publication of the government’s climate action plan but has expressed concern that it is too future focused and has re-stated the urgent need for the Government to develop a clear pathway and timeline for the implementation of the necessary actions to carry out the plan.

Deputy Bacik said,

“Labour is committed to working with government to implement effective climate action measures urgently. What is crucial is that we get clarity on the strict timelines that need to be put in place to achieve the actions set out in the plan. I’m concerned that many of the measures in this plan are too future focused with little detail on the steps that will be taken today to achieve a greener tomorrow.

“This morning I put an oral parliamentary question to the Minister of State at the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications. During that exchange I put forward my concerns about the repeated and cumulating missed deadlines of the Government in meeting its self-imposed deadlines. The coverage of COP 26 has brought this urgent matter into public focus. The people are behind the Government on this. It’s time to act.

“The news of Equinor’s withdrawal from Ireland apparently due to planning issues for offshore wind infrastructure is also a great concern to all and needs to be assessed and addressed by government. Indeed, when we talk about investment in renewables, we are all conscious there is a huge amount still to be done here and that we need to see serious investment made in a whole suite of technologies. We see from Wind Energy Ireland an analysis that carbon pricing, storage and green hydrogen can reduce and eliminate the need for fossil fuels in electricity. We need to see the Government intervention that will actually give effect to those hopeful projections and optimistic modelling.

“What is needed now is clear ambition for immediate and urgent action, and for the State to take a lead role in the transformation that is needed for a carbon free future. Today is a hopeful day and a positive day. Cop26 has inspired us all but what really matters now is how we put that ambition and inspiration into action.”