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Deputy Bacik supports calls for Irish Government to take legal action on controversial bill

12 September 2023

The Northern Ireland Legacy Bill, which was passed by the UK Parliament today, will replace current methods of criminal and civil investigations and inquests with inquiries carried out by a new investigative body, which has the power to offer conditional amnesties for perpetrators.

Deputy Bacik said "The relatives of survivors groups and human rights groups have widely condemned this bill, and I join them in doing so.

"This bill is a betrayal of the victims and survivors of the Troubles. It denies them their right to truth, justice and accountability.

"I support the calls on the Irish Government to legally challenge this bill. It is an affront to the rule of law and to the memory of those who lost their lives during the Troubles."

The bill has been widely condemned by victims' groups and human rights organisations. Colum Eastwood, the leader of the SDLP, has called it an "affront to human rights".

The Irish Government has said that it is "deeply disappointed" by the passage of the bill. It has not yet said whether it will challenge the bill in court.