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Deputy Bacik calls for Focus on Climate in Transport Plan for Dublin

10 January 2022

Deputy Ivana Bacik spoke today about her submission to the NTA on the Greater Dublin Area Transport Strategy 2022-2042. Deputy Bacik made the submission in her capacity as Labour TD for the Dublin Bay South Constituency and as Labour spokesperson on Climate, and said:  

“It is vital that all transport policy and strategy planning in the Greater Dublin Area is carried out with a focus on the climate emergency, the need to reduce emissions and to meet our climate targets, and the need to create a sustainable city environment for all those living in and visiting the Greater Dublin area.” 

“Transport is responsible for a fifth of Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions. Investment in active travel and public transport measures is key to addressing this issue by reducing our dependence on private transport and single occupancy cars. More ambition is required within the Strategy to enable the development of a truly sustainable city, in which civic spaces like College Green in the South City Centre are pedestrianised, enhanced and improved, with far greater provision for cycling and for walking throughout the Greater Dublin Area.”  

“The goal of transport policy in the City must be to reduce the dominance of the private car. Measures taken with this goal in mind will make the city a greatly more attractive environment in which to live, work and travel for all households and all residents, adults and children alike. Transport policy for the Greater Dublin Area must reaffirm the need for greater investment in cycling infrastructure, pedestrianisation of civic spaces, and public transport; with the overall goal of reducing reliance on private cars and creating a more sustainable City for us all.”