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Bacik Welcomes Passage Through Dail of Bill to Legalise Humanist Weddings

21 December 2012


Labour Party Seanad leader and Spokesperson on Justice
Friday 21st December 2012


Senator Ivana Bacik today welcomed the passage of the Civil Registration (Amendment) Bill 2012 through all stages in the Dail yesterday.

This Government bill, introduced by Minister Joan Burton, passed all stages in the Dail with support from all parties and independents. It is based upon the Civil Registration (Amendment) bill 2011 which was introduced during Labour private members' time in November 2011 in the Seanad by Senator Ivana Bacik. That bill was passed through the Seanad in May 2012, but was re-drafted by the Government prior to its re-introduction in the form of the 2012 Bill. The purpose of the bill is legalise Humanist marriage ceremonies by amending the Civil Registration Act 2004.

Welcoming the bill, Senator Bacik said,

“I am really delighted that this bill has passed through all stages in the Dail and will now be signed into law by the President. It will mark a step towards a more inclusive and pluralist society, and will make a real difference to couples who wish to celebrate their marriage with a Humanist ceremony. Irish society is changing and our law on marriage needs to reflect that.”

“Humanists have become a voice for the non-religious who are, in the most recent 2011 CSO figures, the largest belief group in Ireland after Roman Catholics. This Bill represents a way for us to show that we are inclusive of those increasing numbers in our society who do not share the faith of the majority, and that we respect their values and belief-systems just as we respect those of the many persons who are members of established religious churches.”

“I hope that the bill can now be commenced without any further delay and look forward to the first celebration of legal Humanist wedding ceremonies early in the new year 2013.”