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Senator Bacik asks for further Debate on Child Protection Issues, and on Constitutional Reform

08 June 2011

Order of Business

8th June 2011

Senator Ivana Bacik: I will begin by wishing all of those thousands of students sitting the junior and leaving certificate exams the very best of luck on behalf of Labour, the Government and, I am sure, all of us in the House. We feel for them as they start exams today.

In response to Senator O'Brien, the Minister for Finance will be in the House next week and we can raise these issues and, I hope, have a robust debate on the economy with him.

Senator Darragh O'Brien:Yes, I hope so too.

Senator Ivana Bacik:On behalf of Labour, I do not take kindly to be being lectured by Fianna Fáil on the economy.

Senator Darragh O'Brien: I was just stating the facts. Apparently it was Labour's way or Frankfurt's way.

Senator Ivana Bacik:The Senator may refer to the slogan used of “Labour's way or Frankfurt's way”——

Senator Darragh O'Brien: It was a good election slogan.

Senator Ivana Bacik: ——but it was Fianna Fáil's way that brought us down the road of the EU-IMF bailout last November.

Senator Darragh O'Brien: What is the policy?

An Cathaoirleach: Senator Bacik, without interruption.

Senator Ivana Bacik: It is deeply ironic and hypocritical of Fianna Fáil to be lecturing us on the management of the economy when it was responsible——

Senator Darragh O'Brien: I am asking relevant questions.

Senator Ivana Bacik:——for the disastrous comprehensive bank guarantee of September 2008——

Senator Darragh O'Brien:The Senator's Government colleagues voted for that. They supported the Government on the guarantee.

Senator Ivana Bacik: ——and bringing in the IMF and EU last November. I cannot take such a lecture on the economy.

Senator Darragh O'Brien: I was asking a question.

Senator Ivana Bacik: The Leader will indicate that we will have a chance to debate the matter next week with the Minister for Finance, and all of these points can be made.

Senator Darragh O'Brien: I look forward to it.

Senator Ivana Bacik: The points should be made fairly and we should accept that the Government which was in power for 14 years up to early this year was responsible for the bailout which the Senator is condemning.

I ask the Leader for further debate on child protection issues once the Minister, Deputy Frances Fitzgerald, has put in place an implementation plan arising from the report of the special rapporteur which we debated last night. There was an excellent discussion on the topic with some good contributions from Senators with real expertise in the area. I meant to mention last night the contribution of Senator van Turnhout as one of the people who brought real experience to bear on the issue. The idea of having a debate when we have seen what measures can be implemented from the plan would be really important and show the real strength of the Seanad.

I ask the Leader for a debate on constitutional reform. In the week of Mr. Justice Declan Costello's death, we are reminded of the ambitious plans and proposals for constitutional reform in the programme for Government. We have made a commitment to debate the programme for Government in a thematic way and one of those themes is the key theme of constitutional and political reform. This place would be an appropriate avenue for that debate.