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Supporters Endorsements - Seanad Election 2016
Supporters Endorsement - Seanad Election 2016 ‘I am delighted to support the candidacy of Ivana Bacik for the Seanad elections 2016. I …
Ivana Bacik hands in her nomination forms for the Seanad Elections 2016
Seanad Elections 2016 - Ivana Bacik hands in her nomination papers Today I submitted my nomination papers and am now a candidate for the Seanad …
IWD Event Invitation: 'Women of 1916 - In celebration of the Women of Their Time'
'Women of 1916 - In celebration of the Women of Their Time' Friday 11th March, 12:30-2pm, Neill Theatre, Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College …
Media cover from Labour Party launch of Repeal the 8th Amendment commitment and policy
Media coverage from the Labour Party launch of our policy and commitment to Repealing the 8th Amendment. …
#Press Statement - Only Labour will deliver a referendum to repeal the 8th, policy launch and referendum commitment
Only Labour will deliver a referendum to repeal the 8th The Labour Party today launched its plan to hold a referendum to repeal the 8th …
Disappointment as the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill fails to get full support in the Dáil
Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015 - STATEMENT BY CIARA CONWAY TD Labour Party TD, Waterford Thursday, 28th January 2016 DISAPPOINTMENT AS INDEPENDENT DISARRAY STALLS NEW SEXUAL OFFENCES BILL - CONWAY It was disappointing to see …
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