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NERI report shows a living wage is key to tackling gender pay gap
A study by the Nevin Economic Research Institute has shown that almost three quarters of people earning the minimum wage in Ireland are women. The disproportionately high number of women earning the minimum wage clearly demonstrates the …
All-Party Motion in the Seanad on Ibrahim Halawa
That Seanad Éireann: - notes that Ibrahim Halawa, an Irish citizen, has been detained without due process in Egypt for three years since being arrested as a child of 17 years-of-age; - considers this to be an unacceptable infringement of …
Bacik welcomes announcement on refugee resettlement programme, criticises delays
Senator Ivana Bacik today welcomed confirmation from the Tánaiste that Ireland will admit an additional 260 Syrian refugees for resettlement here by autumn 2016, but criticised the delay in admission of refugees from Syria under the …
Statements in the Seanad on Brexit Referendum
I welcome the Minister, Deputy Flanagan, back to the House and I congratulate him on his reappointment as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade. I look forward to working with him, as I am now Labour Party spokesperson on foreign affairs. …
Supporters at 2016 Election - Rosheen Callender
Supporters at 2016 Election - Rosheen Callender Rosheen Callender, B.A. (Econ.); former Researcher with ITGWU and then SIPTU (social and …
#TCDLifer - Trinity College Dublin community life- Ivana Bacik is running for the Trinity Panel Seanad Elections 2016
#TCDLifer - Trinity College Dublin community life- Ivana Bacik is running for the Trinity Panel Seanad Elections 2016 #TCDLifer For most …
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