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Bacik Calls for Inclusion of Occupied Territories Bill in Programme for Government
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has called on parties currently engaged in government formation talks to ensure that the passage of the Occupied …
Senator Bacik Underlines Labour Commitment to the Palestinian Cause
Senator Ivana Bacik has marked 15th May (Nakba Day) 2020 by underlining the Labour Party’s ongoing commitment to supporting the cause of the …
Bacik Calls for Release of Women's Rights Activists Detained for Opposition to Saudi Male Guardianship System
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has joined others in restating her concern for women’s rights campaigners in Saudi Arabia who have been targeted …
Senator Bacik calls for protection of freelance workers' rights on Mayday
To mark May Day, Senator Ivana Bacik has called today for greater recognition of the rights of vulnerable freelance workers. Speaking today, …
Emergency measures needed to combat domestic abuse during Covid-19 emergency
With alarming reports this week about increased levels of violence against women and children in the home, Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has called on the Government to do more to protect victims of domestic abuse during the COVID-19 …
Re-Election to the Seanad
I am honoured and delighted to have been re-elected to the Seanad to represent the graduates of Trinity College/Dublin University. You will see full details of the counts and results at - I was really thrilled to …
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