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O’Malley Report recommendations must now be implemented - Bacik
Labour Senator and Party spokesperson on Children, Disability Equality & Integration has welcomed the publication of the review of the …
Urgent targeted response required for vulnerable populations
An urgent targeted response is required for vulnerable populations, according to Labour Spokesperson on Equality and Integration, Senator Ivana …
Speech on Order of Business: Climate Case Sucess. St. Mary's Telford, Shelbourne Statues
I ask the Deputy Leader for a debate on climate change in light of the Supreme Court this morning finding in favour of the activists involved in …
Children in Ireland are being ";failed"; by the State
The Labour Party’s Seanad group leader and party spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality & Integration has highlighted what she …
Speech on Order of Business: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, Skellig Star Direct Provision Centre, Autism Assessment, Day Services
I join with Senator Seery Kearney in marking World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. I also second the proposal from Senator Ó Donnghaile to …
Bacik calls for update on O'Malley report into Sex Offences
As the most recent deadline for the publishing of the review of the investigation and prosecution of sexual offences in Ireland lapses, Labour …
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