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Labour Introduces Bill in Seanad to Improve Access to Birth Information for Adopted People
Today, Friday 5th March, Labour Seanad Group Leader, Senator Ivana Bacik will introduce the Labour Party’s Adoption (Information and Tracing) …
Speech on Order of Business: Illegal Adoption, Access to Birth Certs, International Women's Day
Gabhaim buíochas, a Chathaoirligh, agus ba mhaith liom freisin a bheith in ann níos mó Gaeilge a labhairt sa díospóireacht le linn na …
Senator Bacik Calls for Urgent Information Legislation for Adopted Persons
Speaking today in advance of the RTE Investigates documentary on illegal adoptions, Labour spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality and …
Labour publishes Bill to provide for reproductive health-related leave
The Labour Party has today published legislation to provide employees with up to 20 days leave for early miscarriage or other reproductive …
Time to Take Radical Measures on Quarantine
Speaking today in the Seanad on the government’s Health (Amendment) Bill 2021, Senator Ivana Bacik spoke on behalf of Labour to voice critical …
Landmark Day for Ending of Direct Provision
Labour spokesperson on Equality and Integration Senator Ivana Bacik has welcomed the White Paper on Ending Direct Provision published today, and …
Showing 397 - 402 of 1069