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Welcome news on Summer Provision, but Catch Up Scheme still needed
Welcoming the doubling of school summer provision programmes this year, Labour spokesperson for Children Senator Ivana Bacik has called on the …
Time to move away from state funding model that favours institutional care – amend Fair Deal
Speaking following the publication today by the Ombudsman of ‘Wasted Lives: Time for a better future for younger people in nursing …
Bacik calls for National Autism Empowerment Strategy
Speaking today at the launch of the Labour Party motion about autism, Senator Ivana Bacik said: “Our Labour motion addresses a number of key …
Full investigation required into the treatment of children within direct provision centres
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has said she is appalled by the findings of the report of the Children’s Ombudsman into the treatment of children …
Speech on Order of Business: Covid-19 and India, Citizens Assembly on Gender Equality, Cycling Facilities
Like others, I welcome the news we will be seeing some careful reopening today not only of golf courses, although there has been a focus on …
Citizens' Assembly on Gender Equality Provides Landmarks Recommendations for Gender Equality in Ireland.
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has welcomed the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality today, calling it a landmark day for …
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