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More bins less blame – vision for community spaces required
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has called for a common sense approach to be adopted in planning for an outdoor summer, and in developing a real …
Seanad Éireann Order of Business: Affordable Housing, Domestic Violence, Tidy Towns, Bogs, Bins and Benches
I was happy to give way to Senator Martin too. I thank the Deputy Leader for the change in the schedule so that we will be debating Committee …
UNESCO data on extent to Irish school closures cause for alarm – Catch Up and July Provision Responses are lacking
Labour spokesperson on children, Senator Ivana Bacik, has again urged Government to implement a €100 million ‘Catch Up for Children’ …
Need to ensure safe access to abortion for all who need it
Marking the third anniversary of the repeal referendum which brought about legalisation of abortion for women in Ireland, Senator Ivana Bacik …
National Maternity Hospital must be free of the influence of the Church
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has urged Government to reconsider its position on the new National Maternity Hospital to ensure that governance of …
Time has come for reproductive health care leave in the workplace
Several years ago, the Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO) was approached by several of its members, outlining the negative impact on …
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