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Housing and Justice strategy needed for victims of domestic abuse
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has called on the Government to outline its plans to protect victims of domestic abuse and ensure their access to …
A New Start For Community Care Has To Be a Post-Pandemic Priority
Ivana Bacik, the Labour Party candidate in the Dublin Bay South bye-election, today spoke of her vision for radical reform of community care as …
Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 | Second Stage Contribution
I welcome this Bill and the opportunity to speak on this important topic. As we know, a climate emergency was declared by the Dáil in 2019 so …
National Maternity Hospital must be in full public ownership
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has called for an end to the obfuscation tactics currently employed by Government on the new National Maternity …
Bacik calls for clarity on State attempts to purchase site of new maternity hospital
Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has called for all correspondence to be published regarding the proposed purchase of site of the new National Maternity Hospital for clarity on the matter. In light of the huge public concern, Senator Bacik said …
Government must learn from Children’s Ombudsman report in building Catch Up Scheme
Labour children spokesperson Ivana Bacik has welcomed the publication of the ‘Childhood Paused’ report by the Children’s Ombudsman, and has called on Government to apply the findings to the development of its Catch Up for Children …
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