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Step change needed in women’s healthcare post-pandemic
Labour’s reproductive health leave bill would provide 20 days leave in the event of an early miscarriage Cabinet appointments must be on a …
Carbon budgets must accelerate climate action
Labour climate spokesperson Ivana Bacik has welcomed the publication of carbon budgets but said the devil will be in the detail. Ahead of COP …
EPA report shows that Government are kicking the can on climate action
Labour’s climate spokesperson Ivana Bacik said today that the EPA report showing Ireland’s slowing of emission reductions provides further proof that the government is kicking the can on climate action. Questioning Minister Ryan in the …
An Anti-Climactic Budget for Climate Inaction
Following the publication of Budget 2022, Labour Party spokesperson for the environment and climate, Ivana Bacik TD has called for a more radical vision on climate, and for an ambitious carbon budgeting programme for Ireland. Deputy …
Budget 2022 a missed opportunity for a New Deal for care
Childcare package a welcome increase, but a vision for universal, public childcare lacking Additional funding to disability services welcome, but opportunity for radical change missed Following its publication, Ivana Bacik TD has said that …
Speech on Planning and Development (Climate Emergency Measures) (Amendment) Bill 2021: Second Stage
I am glad to speak on behalf of the Labour Party in support of this Bill. I am conscious that this is the third time in two days that we have had the opportunity to have a substantive debate on climate and climate-related issues. It is a …
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