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Rental crisis forgotten by this conservative coalition
Responding to the latest RTB rental figures published today, Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD has called on Government to enact Labour’s renters’ rights bill without delay. Deputy Bacik said: “Renters are treated …
Labour to propose Children’s Charter in General Election
Labour Leader Ivana Bacik TD today outlined proposals for Labour’s “Children’s Charter” at the party’s annual think-in in Malahide, highlighting the ongoing failure of public services to vindicate the rights of children. The …
Labour’s homeless families bill must be priority in September
Charities like Focus Ireland cannot continue to pick up the pieces of failed Govt policy Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has called on the Minister for Housing to prioritise Labour’s Homeless Families Bill upon …
Government’s Housing for All utterly failing as child homelessness soars
Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have thrown in the towel Labour’s Leader and Housing Spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD has today condemned the Government’s failure to tackle the escalating homelessness crisis, following the devastating …
Time for a Fairer Rental Market in Ireland
Government failure has fuelled housing disaster Labour Leader and Housing Spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD has expressed deep concern following the publication of the latest Daft report, which found that rents across Ireland have surged by an …
Co-Living tenants have rights too
Labour Party Leader and Housing Spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD has today called on the Minister for Housing to clarify in law that those individuals who are taking up homes in co-living schemes are tenants, and that they must enjoy the same …
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