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Dáil Debate | National Maternity Services: Motion [Private Members]
Earlier today, on behalf of the Labour Party, I expressed our strong disappointment to the Taoiseach at the decision that has been taken by Cabinet. As I have said and as my colleague, Deputy Duncan Smith, has said, in Labour we …
Connolly the internationalist would see climate as the social justice issue of the century
Speech by Labour Party Leader Ivana Bacik TD to the Annual James Connolly Commemoration, Arbour Hill. Comrades, members of the Connolly family, friends. As Leader of the Labour Party, it is an honour to address this joint SIPTU/Labour …
Leaders' Questions | The National Maternity Hospital #MakeNMHOurs #OurMaternityHospital
I return to the question of the national maternity hospital. First, I thank the Minister, Deputy Stephen Donnelly, for his engagement with the Labour Party Parliamentary Party yesterday evening. We were very appreciative of the opportunity …
Dáil Debate | Living Wage Bill 2022: Second Stage [Private Members]
I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time." I am delighted to introduce the Labour Party Living Wage Bill 2022. I propose to share time with my colleague, Deputy Nash. For many years, the Labour Party has campaigned for the …
Living Wage Bill 2022: First Stage [Private Members]
I move: That leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to amend the law relating to the determination, declaration and review of a national minimum hourly rate of pay for employees so as to arrive at and thereafter preserve an …
Leaders' Questions | National Maternity Hospital
Developments over recent days have just compounded our concerns about the proposed new national maternity hospital. Our concerns persist. They are valid and legitimate concerns that remain around the ownership, control and governance of …
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