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Burren Law School 2008
A conference directed by Ivana was held in May 2008 with the theme of 'East meets West' - Burren Law School 2008: Speakers to include: John Hume, Lara Marlowe, Commissioner Charlie McCreevy, John Fingleton of the …
Alcohol Advertising Aimed at Children
Order of Business: Senator Ivana Bacik: Those of us who have been calling for a debate on the Olympic Games have been calling for a debate on whether there should be a political boycott of the opening ceremony, not a boycott of the games …
Seanad Motion - Kidnapping and Detention of Ms Ingrid Betancourt
Seanad Motion on Ingrid Betancourt: Senator Ivana Bacik: I thank Senator Norris for sharing time. I also welcome the motion and I welcome the Minister of State to the House. I am delighted to have played a role in bringing about the …
MMR, Ingrid Betancourt & Tibet
Order of Business: Senator Ivana Bacik: At the risk of making another gendered call, I support Senator Corrigan's call for a debate on MMR because I share her concern about the low level of take-up of the vaccination. That is an important …
An End to Alcohol Sponsorship on Children's Jerseys
Order of Business: On 19th March, 2008, Ivana raised on the Seanad Order of Business her concern at the continued sale in Ireland of replica children's jerseys for English football clubs carrying names and logos for alcohol companies. …
Watch Ivana's Trinity Tour Video
Ivana Bacik guides you through the many changes that have taken place over recent years in Trinity College, Dublin. Click on the Video to play it. Click on the video above to watch it. var so = new …
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