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Senator Bacik comments on the Paramilitary Wing of the Catholic Church and calls for a Debate on the Role of the Equality Authority
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: I ask the Leader for a debate on the conduct of business in the Seanad. Many of us on this side have been severely critical of the absence of legislation before the House, but that does not mean we …
Cynicism in Politics
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: I support the calls on this side for a debate on education. I ask the Leader to guarantee that there will be a debate on education next week, given the levels of concern. We had a debate on a specific …
Senator Bacik speaking on Stem Cell Research at UCC
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: I welcome the distinguished members of the Ugandan judiciary who are guests of my colleague, Professor William Binchy from Trinity College Law School. I would welcome a debate on embryonic stem cell …
Senator Bacik speaking on "Brian’s Botched Budget".
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: In years to come this will be know as Brian's botched budget. It is the first time ever that anyone can remember a budget that was open to negotiation after it was announced in the House. The people …
Budget 2008
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: It is interesting to hear Members on the other side being so critical of the budget. It confirms Senator Fitzgerald's comments on the reigning confusion. The more that Government spokespersons …
Budget 2008 Speech
Click on the link below to read Ivana's full response to the budget:
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