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Senator Bacik Accuses the Government of Bringing Down the Economy
STATEMENT BY SENATOR IVANA BACIK Labour Seanad Spokesperson for Justice, Equality & Law Reform Tuesday 30th November,2010 SENATOR BACIK ACCUSES GOVERNMENT OF BRINGING DOWN THE ECONOMY Speaking today in the Seanad, Senator Ivana Bacik …
Statement: Senator Bacik calls for Debate on High Levels of Heroin Addiction
STATEMENT BY SENATOR IVANA BACIK Labour Seanad Spokesperson for Justice, Equality & Law Reform Thursday 11th November 2010 SENATOR BACIK CALLS FOR DEBATE ON HIGH LEVELS OF HEROIN ADDICTION Speaking today in the Seanad, Senator Ivana …
Senator Bacik Calls for Debates on Ombudsman Report, Seanad Reform, and Magdalen Laundries
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: I echo Senator Fitzgerald's call for a debate today on the Ombudsman's report published yesterday. The Ombudsman, Ms Emily O'Reilly, has raised serious issues about the potential exposure of the …
National Housing Development Survey: Motion
National Housing Development Survey: Motion Senator Ivana Bacik: I welcome the Minister of State. It is also welcome that we have had a full debate on the important topic of so-called ghost estates. Mr. David McWilliams gets credit as the …
Senator Bacik calls for Information on Government's Four Year Plan, and also Calls for Debate on Elections in Burma
Order of Business Senator Ivana Bacik: How can the Opposition possibly agree when it does not have the information it needs to decide whether it can agree? I am concerned that Irish borrowing costs are at a record high on international …
Statement: Senator Bacik calls for Introduction of Climate Change Legislation
SENATOR BACIK CALLS FOR INTRODUCTION OF CLIMATE CHANGE LEGISLATION Statement from Senator Ivana BacikLabour Party Seanad Spokesperson on Justice, Equality and Law Reform Thursday 7th October 2010 Senator Ivana Bacik today called a vote on …
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