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Bacik & O'Keeffe Host Domestic Violence Fundraiser on International Women's Day
STATEMENT BY SENATOR BACIK & O'KEEFFE Thursday, 8th March 2012 BACIK & O'KEEFFE HOST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FUNDRAISER ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY To mark International Women's Day, Senators Ivana Bacik and Susan O'Keeffe today …
Statement: Senator Bacik welcomes Minister's Commitment to Tackling Prostitution and Domestic Violence
BACIK WELCOMES JUSTICE MINISTER'S COMMITMENT TO TACKLING PROSTITUTION AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Senator Ivana Bacik, Labour Senator for Dublin University, Wednesday 7th March 2012 Speaking today at the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, …
Senator Bacik calls for debate on School Patronage
Order of Business Tuesday, 6 March 2012 Senator Ivana Bacik: I commend the Leader on organising Thursday's briefing on the EU treaty. I agree with what Senator Darragh O'Brien said about attendance and I certainly recommend it to all the …
Newsletter Spring 2012
To read my latest newsletter from the Seanad, please click here All the best, Ivana
Statement: Senator Bacik welcomes proposal to include silent reflection alongside prayer in Seanad business
SENATOR BACIK WELCOMES PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE SILENT REFLECTION ALONGSIDE PRAYER IN SEANAD BUSINESS Senator Ivana Bacik, Labour Senator for Dublin University, Thursday 23rd February 2012 Speaking today in the Seanad, Senator Ivana Bacik will …
Seanad procedure Changed to Accomodate Silent Reflection Alongside Prayer
SEANAD PROCEDURE CHANGED TO ACCOMMODATE SILENT REFLECTION ALONGSIDE PRAYER Senator Ivana Bacik, Labour Senator for Dublin University, Thursday 23rd February 2012 Senator Ivana Bacik today welcomed the Seanad vote in favour of a motion from …
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