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Government must remove Pro-LNG Amendments in Planning Bill

09 October 2024

Labour Leader Ivana Bacik TD has slammed the Government for rushing through the 925-page Planning and Development Bill with inadequate scrutiny. The Government has given TDs just three hours to debate 177 pages of amendments to this critical piece of legislation. One of the most alarming aspects of these amendments is the pro-Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) provisions, which Labour believes must be removed immediately, and the moratorium on LNG reinstated.

Deputy Bacik said:

“It is utterly unacceptable that the Government is trying to ram through this developer-led Bill. If passed in its current form, it will cause lasting damage to our already subpar planning system. Instead of fixing the real issues, it will delay the delivery of homes and critical transport infrastructure that our country desperately needs. We’re also deeply concerned about the introduction of damaging pro-LNG amendments.

“An egregious aspect of this Bill is the Government’s attempt to designate floating LNG terminals as ‘strategic infrastructure,’ allowing them to bypass the normal planning process entirely. This is potentially allowing for the normal planning process to be circumvented completely for the installation of these polluting terminals in Ireland. How can this be happening in 2024? LNG is a dirty fuel that will increase our emissions and harm public health. It is a step backward for Ireland’s environmental goals.

“Government has insisted that existing policy constitutes a moratorium on LNG, but that claim never held water. The recent High Court decision makes it clear: there is no way to enforce a moratorium that doesn’t actually exist. Minister Ryan’s claim that he ‘doesn’t think’ LNG terminals will be installed in Ireland is deeply troubling. We do not legislate based on vague hopes and assumptions.

 “I am frankly shocked at the Minister for Climate Action’s approach to this issue. The Labour Party stands firmly opposed to floating LNG terminals and the importation of fracked gas. We are committed to the phasing out of fossil fuels, and when the next election is called, our manifesto will reflect that. We will also call for the development of a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

 “For the debate tonight, the Labour Party has tabled amendments to the Planning and Development Bill to remove the dangerous LNG proposals.

 “We in Labour are calling on Government to stand firm against fossil fuels and not undo the environmental progress made over the last four years. Government must move to withdraw support for the dangerous LNG amendments, and support Labour’s amendment instead. Government must introduce a cast iron policy to put in place a meaningful moratorium on LNG. The future of Ireland’s energy and planning system is at stake.”